The Atari Geek

ATARI 400/800/XL Computers

The Atari 800 Computer System

The Atari 8-bit family is a series of 8-bit home computers introduced by Atari, Inc. in 1979 as the Atari 400 and Atari 800 and manufactured until 1992. 

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8 Aug 2023

Atari 2600 ET is a great game. And now it's 'fixed'!

Author: The Atari Geek  /  Categories: Atari 2600, 2600  /  Rate this article:

The original Atari 2600 ET game was highly controversial for several reasons.

  1. First, like movies, the game was one of the first to have a title screen appear before you could play the game.
  2. It was an 'open-ended' world that was more about exploration than an action game.
  3. There was a finish. Unlike most video games where you would progress until you lost all of your lives and then restart, you could complete the game after you finished the tasks.
  4. There are other great aspects of the game, but the game was hated for it's perceived complexity. But in reality, it's not that complex. A read of the manual helps immensely with understanding the game.
  5. The most 'glaring problem' is that you appear to fall into the wells for no apparent reason. Truth be told, it works correctly, but in the early days of computing, a 3D approach would have been better.

So here is a patch that fixes it. Go to the website below that has the 'fixed' game. You can download the binary and a PDF manual so you can have a bit of retro fun. 


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